It is important to provide financial support for Hope Flowers School – that is our primary job at Friends of Hope Flowers. But the importance of Hope Flowers cannot be appreciated without taking the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories into account, and the mechanisms of survival that are needed to keep afloat when you live there. We always create awareness of that whenever we organize an event to support the school, whether that is a lecture, a cultural activity, or a fundraiser to help realize a specific project for the school.
There are various ways to be active as a FRIEND:
- AMBASSADOR – actively recruit new friends to widen our circle, to keep our network of donors and ambassadors and volunteers growing
- VOLUNTEER – help us to realize one or more of the activities that we plan each year
- DONATE – support Hope Flowers School & Community Center with your donation
- SYMPATHISE – follow us on Facebook (and share our posts); read our Newsletter (and forward it to your network); talk about us to your family and friends and colleagues
Check the Contact page to get in touch with us in Switzerland, UK, USA or Netherlands.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to donate. Our foundation is a registered charity in The Netherlands, and if you’re in the EU then European tax alignment regulations will usually allow you to deduct your donations in your own country too. If you want to contribute with recurring donations, we’ll provide you with the necessary pre-filled form.
Over the recent years we have managed to support the school with an average 25,000 Euro annually.